Jul-29-2024 $627.00 usd loss - New version

The CTTool010 was enabled around 2.00 EST because i was waiting the tests to finish on the new version.

The setup is with CTTBars 40-25 with Chart style Open/Close. Volume profile value area enabled, momentum filter disabled and replaced by Volume Wave filter and with some new risk features like Max daily loss set to -1k, profit protection of 80% from $1.5k and other available options now in the Risk input parameters section.

Now is required to enable the Automatic button AND the Counter trend button to set them ON. The counter trend button right now does not open count trades BUT is helping as filter to don't trigger grid sets in some cases, is not perfect is a feature under development but want to start using it and make it better as i trade the real account with  the CTTool010.

At the overnight start the price was trading the up direction but when i enabled the CTTool010 the price was in pause and i went to rest leaving it running.

When i returned to my trading desk realized the CTTool010 was trading the down side grid set's as the price went down with retraces and extended pullbacks and with a loss before the US open. I was surprised in the quantity of fills until now.

Just before the US open the price rotated and making large retracements where the CTTool010 enabled the down grid set closed in profit.

Then we had a pause and a new rotation to the upside with long grid sets closed in loss.

The up move resumed but was just a ranging market without a grid in profit.

Now in the down side the CTTool010 triggered the short grid set again closed in loss.

In a moment i was thinking into disable the execution but was the middle of the morning so i decided to leave it running, i needed to test real time the execution. 

Price continued rotating with a few grid set's in profit.

And others in loss.

A big pause in price and unfortunately the CTTool010 new version was collecting more loss than profit.

A bad template for the new version, we end this trading day with a loss of usd$627.00.

This template will be adjusted for tomorrow trading day.

All have a great week!.


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Now version with Automatic trade button &  filters so you can now relax and let the..
