Aug-13-2024 $82.50 profit  - USD PPI

Same version as previous trading day. The new adjustments are not ready so i am trading the CTTool010 that is not shutting the counter trend trades.

Enabled overnight without movement to trigger any grid set until midnight with an price going up and the reversed reducing the profit.

The reverse was a strong move to the down side.

And a new rotation with USD - PPI economic data release giving small volatility to the market.

Price continued going up with pullbacks.

A pause with choppy red rectangles and without counter trend trades for now. After the price broke the up side a long grid set was triggered by CTTool010.

Price stopped moving going sideways in a small range.

Again no counter trend trades, the price took a long behavior almost all trading day and CTTool010 made a small profit, reduced from the overnight amount reached.

All havea great day!


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